SUSIE BELLE- Collierville baby photography

Jul 1, 2016

I met Ally and her sweet baby girl, Susie Belle through the interweaving social media. It really was by chance, and I am so happy that we did meet! I learned that her story is a little bittersweet. Her husband is in the Marines, and unfortunately was deployed for the birth of their daughter. It pulled at my heartstrings and I felt called to photograph her precious baby! I have such admiration for our military families. They sacrifice so much for our freedom. They deserve support, happiness, and all of those “little things” that we take for granted. I was honored to photograph Susie Belle!

I asked Ally to write a little bit about her story:

“This has been the most challenging, trying time that my husband Joe and I could have ever imagined enduring. He was scheduled to be deployed, just as we discovered we were expecting our sweet Susie Belle to be born. He missed the birth or our first child, which is a devastating sacrifice. Upon her birth, we realized she had a sever case of clubbed feet, which has in turn made the last three months extremely challenging and that much more painful for us all. Watching her endure such discomfort and pain is excruciating. Thankfully her time in casting in nearing it’s end, along with her daddy’s deployment. We are so grateful to Kellie for capturing one of the happy times and giving us such a treasure with the memories and moments in the beautiful photographs.”




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