My baby. Landri has a mind of her own. She is definitely stubborn, but also so sweet. She likes to put herself to bed, copy whatever her big sister is doing, read books, and go “bye-bye”. She loves fruit, ranch, sometimes fruit dipped in ranch, her daddy, her friends, and going to Peyton’s school to […]

For some reason this birthday was hard for me. My girl is getting so big and she is so independent. Everyday she amazes me. She has an unbelievable memory. She loves to color and draw, I see so much of myself in her. Peyton is a wonderful big sister. She started preschool this year and […]

Kelsey and Josh

Dec 4, 2012

This was a great shoot! We had perfect light, perfect locations, and we even saw a deer! (too bad it was dead.)

Katie, Zach, Ryder, and Reese, you guys are the best! We always have fun and Ryder is always himself!