Arden, what a beautiful name! And she is a beautiful girl! Arden is the second baby of this family that I have photographed. Big brother, Bates, was super excited to come back to the studio. He turned one just shortly before Arden joined the family! I love that I get to capture these precious memories […]

Clark was so tiny! Just a little over 4 pounds, and so so cute! He was so good for his session too! I got to use my tiniest bowl, which he fit perfectly in. As usual, I kept it neutral. I added in some blue and yellow though. Cute little Clark!

Twins are so special. These two cuties were so much fin to have in the studio! Wilder was a big boy. At 9 pounds, he was almost 2 pounds bigger than his sister, Stella. I used lots of neutrals for these two. This is a beautiful session!

I got the chance to go shoot a Fresh 48 session for my friend. I can’t say I hated it! I would love to do more of these types of sessions. There really is something so special about a baby that is just hours old. If you are expecting and would like to set up […]